Engage IMPROV – Ages 8 to 10

Persephone Theatre 100 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon

Engage Improv builds student confidence using improvisational games and activities to encourage creativity, strengthen decision making and communication.  We also...


StorySTAGE Preshow – Ages 6 & 7

Persephone Theatre 100 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon

Using improv and storyboards students will create unique skits with delightfully fun characters.  Each week will have a different story...

FUNdamentals 2 – Ages 11 to 13

Persephone Theatre 100 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon

FUNdamentals 2 is a theatre skills development class focusing on improvisation but also incorporating scene work and short scripts in...
